Friday, 15 February 2008

For the last few days I've been playing with code from Robert Hodgin's site, especially the stuff focusing on particles.

Managed to find a kind of hidden section to the site, with a list of sketches and their code. I can't get the majority to work in my version of Processing. I think I'm missing some custom libraries and unless someone gives me that I'm stuffed.

Got a couple of things to work though:

The top sketch takes an image and cuts it up into a selection of little squares, blanking some out with white. Each time you click on it it changes. Reminds me of the stuff the Adam is doing with photos.

The others are particle systems, which I'm thinking about trying to map onto an image somehow. Jared Tarbell maps particles onto grids so I guess it would possible theoretical to map them onto a photo using the colours, for example.

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