Thursday, 27 March 2008

Had a brief pay around with Illustrator to begin my final image. Trying to fit the swarm into the space is not going to be easy. I may have to overlay several swarms as I can't run the programme with more than about 500 boids (it goes a bit mad).

I want to put all the code from the hex editor (ie. the whole programme which runs the swarm) into the final image. I feel this is important conceptually, as I am trying to create a visualisation of the programme as a whole, not just a few elements of it.

Practically though I may have to use a rectangular canvas and just cut off what I can fit into the space. It's annoying, but the project was conceived for a square space and I am having to work with an area with very different dimensions.

I am not very well :( so I'm going home now to bed. It means I wont' be able to go to Rachel Beth Egenhoefer's talk. I'm gutted because it sounds so relevant. The exhibition is up until 5th April though, so I should be able to go along another day.

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